Pecan Raisin Canadian Buttertart
Apr 01, 2016
This week was very special for me, because it marked my first year living in Canada.
Every since I was little, I've always dreamt of living abroad but never actually thought that this could happen in my life. And here I am now, having lived in 4 different countries in the past 5 years, speaking 5 languages and working with something I've always loved but never considered as a career. That's something to be proud, I guess :)
One of the first things people asked me when I moved, was if I knew anything about buttertarts. I was excited to try it the first time I heard about it (because, well, BUTTER) but I have to say I usually have a hard time finding good ones.
Most buttertart recipes call for corn syrup in the filling which for me is a big no-no. I have nothing against sugar (well, obviously), but I still find it hard when it comes to use corn syrup. I'm ok with honey, I'm ok with glucose, I'm ok with inverted sugar, I'm ok with maple syrup but corn syrup always seemed a bit too much for me to use. I think that this, margarine and vegetable shortening are off bounds for me.
No surprise when I found that most buttertart dough recipes also called for margarine as well. Ugh.
So I took a look at a few recipes, and decided to change it a little bit to make it better. I find this one to be quite tasty -- I particularly like the taste that lemon juice brings to the filling.
In this one I used pecan and golden raisins because that's what I had at home (I considered throwing some walnuts as well, but decided to keep it simpler). This could go absolutely well with unsweetened coconut, macadamia nuts, walnuts or good quality chocolate chips. Use the best butter you can find, and I'm pretty sure you'll have a very nice buttertart to treat yourself!